Sunday, 15 July 2012

Return to Brookfield Zoo

Attendees at the GWF visited local community projects today.  I went back to Brookfield Zoo where we helped to plant some vegetation.  I was delighted to meet Hazel, the International Commissioner for Zambia, as Girlguiding LaSER currently has a team there working with Book Bus, and Hazel has been liaising with them and will be meeting them in Zambia next week.  As the song says, it's a small small world.

The Zambia delegation, including Hazel the International Commissioner, with Helen BB

Planting trees together


  1. Hey this is Bri from the Girl Planning Team - I love the picture above because I remember on the bus ride back from there, your chaperone taught us all the Quartermaster's Store song.

    1. "There was Bri, Bri, studying for a degree, in the stores, in the stores..." - good times! - best wishes from Helen (UK Chaperone)
