Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Our Take Action Plan by Issi

Hi everyone,

Just arrived at the Crea's household after an upsetting farewell to all of the international delegates. I realised that all was not that bad after all as we are all returning home to put our plans into action. We had an amazing closing ceremony and party - I will put pictures up on facebook when I return home... I go by "Issi Mahoney" - I'm the only one so I'm pretty easy to find if you want to add me. However, what I really want to let you all know about is our Take Action task that we have planned to do. We were given a  "Women in Politics" seminar whilst at the Forum which opened our eyes to the ridiculously low percentage of women in Politics within the UK - only 22% of the seats in parliament are held by women!!!!!

So we want to do something about it... We have planned a 'Living a Political Life' badge which will promote girlguide members doing the badge to understand the lack of female empowerment in the UK (MDG3) and to do something about it to change the statistics. The badge will have seven different stages that will include activities such as reading the newspaper each day and attending a civic and political event (this could be done as a unit). Though these activities may not sound all that inspiring and fun for the younger generation, we believe that it will be the way each task is conveyed and presented to the girls that will shape and form how they view themselves in society and what they can achieve as a woman - after all, Girl Guiding is here to empower girls!

I hope you like our idea, we have not finalised anything yet so there is still a long way to go but like Dr. Tererai Trent said to us at our closing ceremony; "If you desire those things, it is achieveable!"

Yours, Issi :)

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