Friday, 13 July 2012

I've been at the Girls' World Forum for over a day...

I've been at the Girls' World Forum for over a day now, and I still haven't got over how cool it is to be having conversations at dinner with girls from Korea, Japan, Portugal and the US, or taking the lift with girls from Slovenia, Togo and New Zealand!  The opening ceremony this morning involved a representative from each country parading in carrying their flag - I got to represent the UK.  It was only then that it hit me what an amazing and unique opportunity this is, to be part of such a diverse community or sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world.
We met our patrols today - mine, called G12, is pictured above, and included girls from the US, Germany, Rwanda, the Phillipines and the Carribean.  Together we learned about the causes of poverty, as well as some examples of solutions.  We then discussed ways to implement the Take Action initiatives that we will be designing later in the week with regards to MDGs 1, 3 and 7.  My favourite speaker from today was Sejal Hathi, who founded Girls Helping Girls after recovering from anorexia at the age of just 15.  It was so inspiring to hear of what a difference she has made to girls in countries all overthe world before she has even turned 20!  I also loved the video we saw about Heifer International's work in Nepal, which showed just how far the multiplier effect can take a project, and that once women are empowered they can do so much to fight poverty.
My favourite moment of the day was talking to Arlette from Rwanda about a scheme to give laptops to children in her country that I had learnt about at school.  It was just amazing to hear first hand about how that has affected people!
The bus tour of Chicago that we took this evening gave me a chance to get a feel of the city, seeing the Great Lake, and tall building after tall building.  There are so many tall buildings close together that it feels quite claustrophobic!  After all that I've done today, and since I'm still rather jetlagged, at this point I just can't wait to get into bed, so I'll leave you there.
Amy xxx

1 comment:

  1. 8th Rickmansworth Brownies UK13 July 2012 at 22:27

    We've seen your photo at the Girls World Forum and read about your first day there. It sounds really exciting. It's really interesting that the Guides all have different uniforms. We are having a sleepover in the hall and wishing you were here. We spent some of the evening in tents (indoors, because it was raining) and are now having popcorn and a film. Enjoy the rest of your time in America
