Saturday, 14 July 2012

Chaperone session - how do we support?

I enjoyed a session with a different group of chaperones today, where we looked at how we as Leaders can support the girls who are going to be carrying out the Take Action projects in the future. 

The Take Action projects will be designed to address the root cause of a problem in  our community, and our delegates will be working out an action plan for this whilst we are here.  This will develop their leadership skills as well as strengthen local Guiding and community links.  We talked about the practicalities of doing this, including the support that the young people will need from us, from the MO and from other young members. 

There were some great ideas about raising awareness and about how to get the message out.  Various MOs use different methods of doing this. 

It was fascinating to sit around a table with Leaders from Trinidad and Tobago, Georgia (the country), USA, Taiwan and Bangladesh, sharing ideas about leadership development  and how to support.

My international discussion group

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