Friday, 13 July 2012

Parallel Programme for Chaperones

Each delegation to the Girls’ World Forum consists of 2 young members and 1 chaperone.  The young members and chaperones are taking part in different sessions during the Forum. 

The first session for the Chaperones explored the MDGs, and was a chance for us all to share our understanding of these goals, which are supposed to be achieved by 2015.  It was fascinating sharing discussion groups with people from many different countries in WAGGGS, representing all 5 Regions.  There were  series of stations around the room, and we moved between them doing activities about a particular goal.  We all talked about projects our organisations are involved in, and I talked about the Together We Can resource pack which many leaders in Girlguiding UK are using in their units. 

We looked at the history of WAGGGS, then considered how this event is the final of three major events which have taken place over the last two years.  We played 'Declaration Dominoes' which looked at the Declaration which was produced, then analysed it in relation to government, civil society and WAGGGS.  We then looked at the GAT badge and considered how it is used in our various countries.  We also discussed the 'Stop the Violence' campaign, thinking about how our areas are engaging with this.
In the second session, the Girl Scout Council chaperones and the chaperones from the MOs had separate workshops, and we considered the structure of our organisations, after an activity about communication and how although WAGGGS is huge, with 10 million members, we speak with 1 voice. 
We have signed up for sessions later in the Forum to help us to support the delegates with rolling out a Take Action programme in their areas.
A very interesting session, working with MO chaperones from across the world.
Chaperone discussion group

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