Thursday, 19 July 2012

Reflecting... Issi's Post

Hi Everyone,

We thought that it would be great if we did a 'reflecting' blog just so that you can all understand how each of us have personally travelled through the emotional rollercoaster of this magnificent trip...

When I first arrived at Chicago's O'hare Airport I think we were all stunned by the level of security we had to go through in order to enter the country - it made you feel like you were smugling drugs even though you hadn't done anything! Yet once we got through, all our worries, especially Helen's, subsided. We then met the girls from Burundi and Ivory Coast who spoke french and as Amy and Helen speak french fluently I just listened and laughed at them trying to decode the girls' rocket speed way of talking.

After waiting a while for the coach we finally arrived at the hotel. The organisation was absolutely fabulous! You were wisked from one station to another for forms you hadn't filled out (Helen!) or simply t-shirts to collect. However, what simply made me feel so welcome in Chicago was the Opening Ceremony. Each of us have commented about it in our previous blogs but it was simply amazing!

I then had spectacular Toolkit Sessions in the days to follow as well as eye opening talks on topics such as self-esteem, living a political life and poverty. The Toolkit Sessions included our facilitators providing us with the knowledge and resources to complete successful Take Action plans that would have a sincere impact upon our communities back at home.

I made friends from all around the world at the Forum and friends that I will keep for life. Moreover, just being able to walk over to anyone at the Forum and strike up a conversation was a really big confidence booster for me because it made me realise that if I can do this with these girls then surely I can do it with anyone else.

Finally, the Forum has been so ispiring, I feel like I can return home and conquer the world. There is no problem or issue too large that we cannot overcome if we all join forces and work together.  So I am going to end on my favourite quote of all time and one in which I believe sums up the Forum extremely well; "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi.

Yours, Issi.

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